Short, Sweet, To the Point: Human Spirit Prevails
Short, Sweet, To the Point: Human Spirit Prevailsback

What is more profound, uplifting or wise than:

Hope in the future. Life goes on. The human spirit prevails.

Those were the words of Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, president and CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Simple. Profound.

Add her other observations and you have a short, sweet summary of spirit that keeps social entrepreneurs and nonprofit leaders energized.

  • We’re on the edge of a new frontier.
  • Improving the way we do things will pay a dividend far greater than any we got before.
  • To drive social change, we need leadership, vision, passion, and savvy.
  • None of us can do it alone. We need resilient, resourceful partners.
  • There is a new generation of social change agents. (God bless those Millennials!)
  • The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
  • While failure is a bitter pill to swallow, it teaches lesson.  

The lessons Risa thought worthy of note:

  • Data needs to be clear and convincing.
  • The need needs to be obvious.
  • The solution must be do-able.
  • Taking social innovation to scale takes time. Don’t let urgency squeeze timelines so projects become undo-able.
  • Under-funding an initiative can undermine it. 

Simple. Profound. 

‘Nuf said.

For complete coverage of the 2010 inaugural Social Impact Exchange Conference: Taking Successful Innovation to Scale, go to Ventureneer SIEX10.

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