8 Tips For Crowdfunding Success
8 Tips For Crowdfunding Successback

Whether you’re a startup or an existing business, a rewards-based crowdfunding campaign offers debt- and equity-free money to launch a product. That’s right! You don’t have to give up a piece of your company in exchange for money or pay interest on a loan.

Women are proving that they have the right stuff to be successful at rewards campaigns. I know this from first-hand experience and from women I’ve interviewed. I raised 71% more than my $7,500 campaign goal.

Women are organized, diligent, clear communicators, good storytellers and skilled marketers. The result: Women had a 70% success rate in reaching their Kickstarter goals vs. 61% for men. Further analysis showed that it was not women’s more modest financial goals that accounted for their higher rate of success, according to research conducted by Hebrew University, the Kauffman Foundation, and UC Berkeley.

I recently connected with Shelley Prevost of Torch, who exceeded her goal of raising $150,000 by 8%. Two thirds of parents want to limit or guide their children’s use of the internet, according to Alexandra Samuel, who researches the way we use the internet.Torch is a simple-to-use, smart router that allows parents to guide their children’s use of the internet.

So how do women do it?

Photo credit: George Is Keeping An Eye On You!-by peasap via Flickr

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