Bring Back the Magic
Bring Back the Magicback

Halloween may be the all-time greediest holiday around: “Gimme something or I’ll be bad.”

Or it can be one of the most childlike and fantastical: All those costumes, all that getting to be whomever you wish you could be, from Wonder Woman to a swashbuckling pirate.

Let’s reclaim the magic and ignore the greedy part.

For years, UNICEF has urged children to go door-to-door on Halloween, asking for pennies to help children abroad. Some created and painted their own collection boxes for the purpose, others used the cardboard boxes UNICEF provided.

In this age of connectedness, UNICEF has added the option of online Trick-or-Treating. Kids create their own fundraiser to help other children. They can form teams with their Girl Scout Troop or Little League team, their first grade class to — for those with a child within — their Fantasy Football League or office mates. Yes, team categories include all ages.

Before they head out to ring doorbells, kids can check out stories about other teams or children helped by UNICEF. It’s a great way to start the habit of helping others, as stories already posted attest. Once bitten by the social-responsibility bug, kids seem to keep on giving.

Gee, I wonder if it’s too late for me to be Wonder Woman?

What others ways can we turn Halloween into a good time for a good cause?

Image from Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF website: The Original Kids Helping Kids® campaign